註冊資料 / Account Details
帳號需為由數字及英文字母組成之8至20字元 / ID must be a combination of alphanumeric characters of 8-20 characters in length.
密碼需為由數字、英文大寫、英文小寫及特殊符號(不含空白)等任選三項組成之8至20字元 / Password must be 8-20 characters in length. It must contain three of the following character categories: capital letter, lower case letter, number, and special character, but not include space.
可輸入中文、英文大小寫、數字、空白與特殊符號 - _ / Organization can consist of Chinese, alphanumeric characters (i.e., a-z, A-Z, and numbers 0-9), and non-alphanumeric characters including space, underscore, and hyphen.
可輸入中文、英文大小寫、數字、空白 / Position can consist of Chinese, alphanumeric characters (i.e., a-z, A-Z, and numbers 0-9). The use of non-alphanumeric characters including space is allowed.
+國碼(1-3碼)與電話(5-17碼)#分機號碼(1-6碼),例如:"0212345678#123456"請分別輸入+886、212345678#123456 / Please fill in country code starting with the plus (+) sign in the first form field, and then fill in area code and phone number in the other form field. Put a pound (#) between the main telephone number and the extension (e.g., +886 287702129#123456).
+國碼(1-3碼)與電話(5-17碼)#分機號碼(1-6碼),例如:"0212345678#123456"請分別輸入+886、212345678#123456 / Please refer to the instruction of Office Phone.
+國碼(1-3碼)與手機號碼(5-17碼),例如:"0912000111"請分別輸入+886、912000111 / Please refer to the instruction of Office Phone.
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