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A.News: The latest news issued by TAMC are listed in descending order according to time. Click on the theme will show the content of the latest news. If there are typhoon warnings issued, it will be shown at the top line.
B.Satellite Image: The latest IR satellite image is shown here. Click on the small picture to bring up an enlarged satellite image on the main page.
C.Radar Image: The latest radar image is shown here. Click on the small picture to bring up an enlarged radar image on the main page.
D.Latest weather of the worldwide airports: There are 8 main regions for clicking and browsing the latest weather of the main airports of the region. The geographic position and weather icon are shown with instinctive design. Clicking on the airport name would bring up the weather elements of the airport on the right column with the latest weather report on the lower right column of the main page. If there is airport weather warning issued, the latest warning would be shown when the mouse is placed on the airport warning column. If the weather icon appears to be translucent, it means that the weather report is overdue. If the inquiry airport can't be found on the chart, the airports of the region could be shown on the pull-down menu. |