Function Bar |

A.Home: Back to homepage.
B.Q&A: The main topics of the Q&A are listed in the left column. Click on the main topic to show the frequently asked questions on the main page. After clicking on the question, the answers would be brought up. Click on the "Back to Menu" icon to close the answers.
C.Links: The main topics are listed in the left column. Click on the main topic would show the related links of the topic. After clicking on the website, a new window would be popped up and link to website.
D.Products: The aeronautical products are under a private webpage which needs applications to browse. Click here and login with right account and password would link to the aeronautical products webpage of the Aeronautical Meteorological Service Page.
E.Apply Account: Click here to open an application form for a new account. Please read the administrative instructions and click on the "agree" icon to download the application form. After filling in the columns, please send the allpication form by facimile or e-mail it to TAMC. TAMC would reply after verifying the application within 3 working days. |